直傳靈気   遠隔治療
Jikiden REIKI   Enkaku chiryo

Distance REIKI therapy


Jikiden REIKI Enkaku chiryo (Distance REIKI therapy) is a very distinct feature of traditional Usui REIKI Ryoho.

The person who want to receive REIKI wherever He /she is,
can receive
REIKI from REIKI therapist. REIKI therapist use Enkaku chiryo ( Distance REIKI) in order to connect with the person who want to receive REIKI.
For to help healing Physically, Mentally, Emotionally and/or Spiritually.

The REIKI goes directly to whatever the person needs healed most at the time they receive it.

During Enkaku chiryo (Distance REIKI) session, the person who want to receiving REIKI has to do is aware of receiving REIKI.

*Reiki therapists can do Enkaku REIKI even for people who are hard to aware that they are receiving Reiki.


REIKI Enkaku chiryo
Distance REIKI therapy


Whats we needs from you:

1. Fulll name
2. Date of Birth
3. Gender
4. Reason for getting long distance Reiki therapy

How to Make  Appointment
 for Enkaku chiryo (Distance REIKI) session

• Email us: reikianorg1@gmail.com    

Please write ( in English or 日本語 ) about informations who wants to recieve Enkaku chiryo.

  1. Name 
  2. Date of Birth
  3. Gender
  4. Reason for receiving Enkaku Reiki 
  5. Date and Time (at your local time) - you want schedule Enkaku Chiryo / long distance Reiki therapy 
  6. Email address or telephone number where we can reach you
When we receive your email, will reply you with more information within 24 hours.
• Phone / Text to : +1 386-689-5226  Reiki An


* *  After your appointment confirmed,
Reiki AN will send you the site where you can pay for the treatment * *

30 minutes : US $30

Please do NOT pay treatment fee, before appointment was confirmed.

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